Alarm device - VigieLink®

our documentation

Lone worker safety device for risk situations

The VigieLink® is a lone Worker Alert Device which enables to trigger alerts immediately transmitted to the NEOVIGIE platform via the 2G/4G networks. This device equipment, 100% compatible with the smartphone application VigieApp® is a real concentrate of technologies intended for lone workers, workers who work in a difficult work environment or who wish to have a tool dedicated solely to safety. It is equipped with a microphone and a loudspeaker to make calls and remove doubts.

Web portal

The web portal VigieControl® allows easy access to all the services of the NEOVIGIE platform: visualization of the users at a glance, location of lone workers in difficulty, settings of alarms for each user or for a group of users, definition of alarm process to apply in case of emergency.

Management platform

User security

Our solution complies with the recommendations of the General Security Reference System (RGS) of the National French security agency to ensure data protection against cyber-attacks.

Our lone workers safety devices are designed with user privacy in mind: only the information necessary for the safety of your employees is stored and the position of people is only visible in the event of an alarm.

This guarantee of protection of personal data encourages greater use of lone workers safety solutions and allows a better level of security for the whole company and its lone workers. In accordance with the GDPR, the NEOVIGIE solution has been subject to a data protection impact analysis, AIPD. A Data Protection Officer, DPO, has also been appointed to monitor compliance with the Regulation.

User, protection of personal data

NEOVIGIE is designed to comply with the regulations that protect users privacy.

User, protection of personal data