Neovigie Lone Worker solutions on Preventica Paris 2021

Neovigie Lone Worker solutions on Preventica Paris 2021
Préventica Paris 2021 Innovation Award!


Neovigie received the Préventica Paris 2021 Innovation Award on November 30th in Parc des Expositions Porte de Versailles in Paris for its global turnkey solution designed to alert and assist lone workers.


Each year, this prize rewards innovative solutions that contribute a little more each day to improving the health of employees and the safety of working environments.
The award-winning Neovigie Lone Worker Alarm System is a complete solution including:

  • A mobile application for smartphone running on iOS or Android
  • A Lone Worker alert device which enables to trigger alerts via the 2G/4G networks
  • A Lone Worker Web portal for alarm monitoring and management running in SaaS mode
The following 4 aspects were strictly examined by the jury: technical innovation, performance, ease of implementation, contribution of the solution to improving health, safety and quality of life at work.


Based on these 4 criteria, the jury awarded a score of 8/10 for the Lone Worker Neovigie solution. You too can trust the effectiveness of the Neovigie Lone Worker solution for the protection of your workers! Request a demonstration of the Neovigie lone worker alarm system >>.


The Préventica Paris 2021 Innovation Prize has rewarded 17 companies and start-ups. You want to know more about the Préventica Innovation Award.